Scripting : Microsoft Teams Machine-Wide Installer will not run properly from a script - How to Know If You Owns a Teams Machine Wide Installer
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I can go to the KBot directory and run the exact same command and it runs perfectly. I tried running via a. What am I missing. If you're installing this as part of Office or rather as an addition to Office already being installed , you're best bet is to use the Office Deployment Tool ODT with the Office Customication Tool OCT to make an xml file that installs it and just push the xml and a batch file to run it.
You can hard code the xml file to look to a previous K distro package the one that installed O apps then just say add teams in the xml basically in the application picker in the OCT, you add everything that's already there AND teams and run the ODT setup. To use the system wide installer make sure you download the msi and install on you test box with an agent install so you get the software name in you software inventory.
Then upload the msi file to server. Sign up today to participate, stay informed, earn points and establish a reputation for yourself! Log in. Microsoft Teams Machine-Wide Installer will not run properly from a script. Asked 2 years ago views. Can you please share your command line and batch file?
On the Managed Install it's msiexec. Just wanted to mention I am having basically the same issue, I was just about to make a post when I saw this. Chuck, I posted some more info in the Application Packaging channel in Slack, not sure whether you want me to post it here it's a bit long-winded or whether you can just see it there.
As I said the command line and. I think I have it working now, it looks like there can be issues with the uninstall process, which is leaving some registry keys behind. Additionally, when installing from the system account it doesn't seem to create an entry in Programs and Features, but does appear to function Installs teams for users on login. The OP's edit in this post highlights the issue with the uninstaller.
Download bit MSI Installer for per-user deployment. Note: Looking for bit? You'll need to use the bit MSI Installer for machine-wide installation instead. The MSI for single installation deployment installs Slack for Windows machine-wide, either to Program Files or a location of your choice. Companies in which people use their own machines and update Slack automatically should use the MSI for per-user deployment. Download bit MSI Installer for machine-wide installation.
It is important to stay up to date on new releases, as they provide users with valuable features and fixes. When installed using the machine-wide installer, Slack does not auto-update. We installed the bit version of the MSI, but program files and registry entries were written to the bit locations on our bit system. What happened? Up to version 3. However, their payload Slack for Windows is bit. We realized this was confusing, so starting with version 3.
We installed the per-user deployment MSI. Why does Slack not install for some or all users on certain machines? The Slack deployment tool will only install Slack if it has not been previously installed by the user. If the deployment tool detects traces of previous installations it will back out.
While the latter installation path is very rare, its presence would affect all users on the system. Why does it show up as a machine-wide installer in Apps and Features? The per-user deployment MSI was named machine-wide installer before our current true machine-wide installer was released. The missing name change in the package was an oversight. Starting with version 3. We use the per-user deployment MSI. Do we need to update the Slack deployment tool when Slack itself auto-updates? We uninstalled the per-user deployment MSI.
Why is Slack still installed for all our users? Uninstalling the MSI only removes the deployment tool and Slack will no longer install for new people logging into the computer. However, people who already installed Slack through the deployment tool need to manually uninstall the app.
If your machine hosts multiple users e. When installing newer versions of an MSI, older ones still show up.
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